Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What should you do if you have 33 pounds of fat on your body

If you are man that weighs 200 pounds...nothing. It's normal.

With all the obesity epidemic scare and weight loss diet hype
being tossed around in the media these days, people are easily
confused about what's healthy for them.

For example, have you heard the "fact" that no body fat is

Nope... it's untrue.

The ideal percentage of body fat for men is generally between 15
and 18 percent, while for women it is between 18 and 22 percent.

That means if you are a man that weighs 200 pounds, Your ideal
amount of fat to have would be around 33 pounds.

In order to look great you need to be at or near your ideal
weight. Your "ideal weight" is where you don't look obese, while
you still have a healthy amount of body fat.

Is too much fat bad? Of course it is. Research suggests it can
lead to diabetes, heart problems, etc.

But how do you know what is right for you?

* Should you have a daily intense workout plan involving heavy
weights? * Should you use dieting drugs and low calorie diets to
lose weight? * Should you try supplements and steroids to
increase muscle mass and lose body fat?

The answer to these questions is...you need expert advice.

There is too much misinformation "out there" confusing everybody
about what is healthy or not. You can even see doctors in the
media contradicting other doctors.

Where do you go for help?

How about to the same people that athletes, movie stars and
supermodels see? Sure they cost a fortune in person. But did
you know they have written books about their expertise that are a
bit more affordable?

Seriously, nutrition and body building is a science these days.
The techniques have been worked out and tested. In fact, they
have been around for a long time.

Stop listening to the "current fad diet", and don't let yourself
get paralyzed with fear when you hear the latest medical news on

You CAN build a body that is not only healthy, but strong. In
fact, you can give yourself the body of a God or Goddess.

Don't get duped into using strange diets, pills, or even
dangerous exercises. Not only will you be disappointed with the
results, you could actually endanger your health.

Do your research, find out what works, get expert advice, and
become the STRONG and HEALTHY person of your dreams.

You just need to talk to the right people.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Free Weights vs. Exercise Machines

Anyone who has ever been in a gym before is familiar with the gleaming banks of shiny exercise machines. Coming in all shapes and sizes, they are usually cause for the newcomer to the gym to pause and ask, "What IS all of that stuff?"

Well, according to the price that the gym paid for any one piece of that equipment, I certainly hope that it not only stimulates your muscles, but also cooks your breakfast, washes your car, and brings the kids home from soccer practice! Now the question becomes whether or not those machines were worth the price, or if you'd be better off doing a home aerobics video with a can of soup in each hand….

Personally, I would advise you to get the low-sodium version of the soup, serve it up alongside a tomato sandwich, and then go buy yourself some free weights. Yes, that is just my opinion, but it does come with some scientific reasoning behind it.

Natural movement vs. Controlled movement

One of the things that you need to remember is that when you are exercising, you are training for LIFE. You may spend an hour a day at the gym, but that still leaves 23 other hours for your muscles to function without the aid of that fancy equipment.

Whenever you do any given exercise, the movement of your body during that exercise is called the Range of Motion. The greater and more difficult the Range of Motion, the more effective the exercise is, because your body has to work harder to perform that movement.

Let's take a classic dumbbell bicep curl for our case study. If you aren't familiar with the movement, it is basically performed by standing up straight with your palms facing forward, and a pair of dumbbells held down at your sides. You concentrically contract your biceps (also known as flexing your elbow) to bring the dumbbells up to approximately shoulder level, and then repeat the movement for a prescribed number of repetitions.

Let's take that same muscle movement and do it using a bicep curl machine. You sit down, brace your upper arms on a pad, grasp 2 handles that are in front of you, and do that same fancy elbow flexing movement to move the handles in an upward motion. Pretty easy stuff so far, right?

Now let's examine the muscles that are used in this motion. Wait - I thought we were concentrically contracting the biceps? That is correct, and if you are using the bicep curl machine, that is pretty much ALL you are doing. For one, you are sitting down. You know, like you did all day at work, and then in your car on the way to the gym. Then, your upper arms are braced on a nice soft pad to keep your upper body stable while you pull the handles upwards. The machine has effectively limited the muscles used in this exercise to the biceps, as well as the muscles in your forearms and fingers as you grip the handles.

Let us now sidestep over to the weight room where the dumbbells are kept, and once again get in the start position for a standing bicep curl with the dumbbells. Notice the term "standing". You know, like you DIDN'T do all day at work, and hopefully also did not do in your car on the way to the gym. So before we even start the exercise, we are using more muscles than we did on the machine - namely the leg muscles.

Now let's pick up a 10 lb dumbbell in each hand. We've just added 20 lbs to our body weight. What is keeping us from losing our center of balance and falling clean over? The abdominal muscles and the muscles of the lower back and spine. Now we are using our legs, our abs, and our back. Flex those elbows and start to raise the dumbbells. Now our center of gravity has become a fluid state, and our legs, back, and abs all have to constantly compensate to maintain posture. Oh, and the biceps are also in on the action by this point, as are the forearms, the fingers, and the shoulder girdle.

We now have the dumbbells all the way up and it's time to start lowering them again, via an eccentric contraction of the biceps (also know as extending the elbow). What muscle group controls the extension of the elbow? The triceps on the back of the arm.

Did you lose track yet? It's okay if you did because you have illustrated the point:

Machine Bicep Curl: Uses the biceps, forearms, and fingers
Cost: Thousands of dollars

Standing Dumbbell Bicep Curl: Uses the biceps, forearms, fingers, legs, abs, back, triceps, and shoulders.
Cost: $40 for a good set of dumbbells that can be used for dozens of other exercises

In a nutshell, free weight exercises simply USE MORE MUSCLES than machines do, which make them more effective. Does that mean that the machines are a complete waste? Absolutely not! In some circumstances it is BETTER to stabilize the muscles being used in any given movement. However, those circumstances are the exception, rather than the rule.

So what do you do? Change up your routine, and incorporate free weights as well as machine exercises. However, keep the machine work to a minimum - say 20% of your total time spent working with weights. Spend the other 80% developing your stabilizer muscles, your sense of balance and coordination, and if nothing else - just standing up!

After all, you can go home and sit down on the couch to enjoy your post-workout snack. The bicep machine already brought the kids home from soccer practice, remember?

About the author:
Aaron Potts is the owner and creator of Fitness Destinations, a content-filled health and fitness website for consumers as well as professionals in the fitness industry. Aaron's experience in the health and fitness industry includes one on one personal training in many different environments, maintenance of several health-related websites, and authoring of many fitness-related products for consumers and fitness professionals.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

60 inch chests (and 70?)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Biceps Curl For Maximum Growth

Friday, November 20, 2009

20 inch arms

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

how to get rid of belly fat

You're about to discover what might be the most powerful fat loss system ever developed. It's the same diet program fitness models and bodybuilders use to reach single digit body fat levels and achieve rock-hard muscle definition that makes them look like walking anatomy charts.

If you would like to learn how to lose body fat permanently... even in your mushiest spots... without drugs, without supplements and without screwing up your metabolism, then this will be the most important web page you will ever read. I guarantee it and I've got the results to prove it!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

how to lose belly fat

•Shocking foods that burn belly fat
•2 so-called "health" foods that you should NEVER eat (they can actually increase stomach fat)
•Motivation secrets for lifelong fitness success
•1 unique "trick" to reduce junk-food cravings
•Weird workouts that burn abdominal fat faster than typical "cardio"
•The TRUTH about getting flat abs without bogus "fat burner" pills


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fat Burning Furnace:

Diets Don't Work...

You WON'T lose fat or look your best by just eating low carb, low fat diets, or low calorie diets. The truth is, fat loss comes down to eating in a way that's right for you. You're going to discover an easy way to trick your body into burning more by eating more with these delicious foods that satisfy your hunger cravings...

Cardio Doesn't Work...

Long cardio or aerobic workouts several days a week are the WORST WAY to burn fat. You're going to almost triple your fat loss and fitness results by exercising in the complete OPPOSITE manner for 45 minutes a WEEK with no cardio at all...

Crunches & Situps Don't Burn Belly Fat...

1000's of crunches, sit ups, or those crappy infomercial abs gizmos WILL NOT burn your belly fat or give you a flatter stomach and certainly not six pack abs. You're going to burn belly fat 5 times faster by using certain full body exercises that don't actually target your abs at all...


Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Best Reviewed Diets For Fall 2009

With hundreds of diet and weight loss products on the market, we know it can be extremely difficult to decide which one is the best for you. All of them may sound promising, unfortunately the majority of them do not live up to their claims

>>Top Diets - Fall 2009<<

Friday, November 13, 2009

Exercises For Saggy Arms And Bat Wings.

Sometimes referred to as the dreaded 'Bat Wings' syndrome, the issue of drooping and flapping upper arms is an issue that causes horrible embarrassment for hundreds of thousands of women the world over...


Modern Day Gladiator…

Exercise is about MOVEMENT!

- You are either moving your own body around (squatting, pushing, pulling, twisting, jumping, etc.), or...

- You are moving weighted objects around (lifting, pushing, pulling, etc.) often with either one arm at a time, or in an alternating fashion

And there are no two exercise methods better suited for training your body how to MOVE without added weight and with added weight than bodyweight and dumbbell exercises. This is a POWERFUL combination that is sadly underused!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Combat The Fat Advanced Bodybuilding

Military Fat Burning Tips Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once And For All... And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Military Fat Loss Tip:
Focus On THIS Instead Of "Fat Loss"!

Military Fat Loss Tip:
DON'T Give Up The "Guilty" Foods You Love!

Military Fat Loss Tip:
To Lose Weight, Master Your Bodyweight!

Military Fat Loss Tip:
NEVER "Go On A Diet"...Diets DON'T WORK!

Military Fat Loss Tip:
"Failure" Is NOT An Option!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Wimps, Cry Babies & Whiners…Read No Further…”

I am dead freakin’ serious. Do NOT move on if you’re looking for quick fix workouts for building muscle and getting ripped. Sorry, go find a sales pitch elsewhere.

Here’s Proof of REAL Men, Getting REAL Results….

The Muscleheads Muscle Growth Formula

"Could it really be THIS EASY to gain 10, 20, even 30 pounds of solid, flab-free muscle by spending less than 8 minutes in the gym per day?"

I GUARANTEE that it is, even if you have the worst genetics in the world. And you won't even have to spend a cent on supplements...

>>Read More<<

Monday, November 9, 2009

Let's face it. You're tired.

Tired of filling your body with mysterious supplements that do nothing except make you bloated and sick.

Tired of busting your ass in the gym 6 days a week, only to find you're the same size you were last month.

Tired of watching other guys work out half as much and get twice as big.

>>>>>In Case You Didn't Sign Up Yet… <<<<<

Weight Lifting For Absolute Beginners.

Weight Lifting Exercise Program For The Absolute Beginner.

Weight Training 101

Why weights?
Three reasons to make time for strength training

1. Stave off
osteoporosis. Resistance training increases bone density, which can prevent age-related loss.

2. Keep your metabolism revved. Muscle trumps fat for calorie
burning—add more, burn more.

3. Look slimmer. Pound for pound, muscle
takes up less space than fat. Boost muscle and you'll appear thinner

Monday, June 29, 2009

How to make your arms bigger?

Workouts that will give you awesome BICEPS AND TRICEPS

What gives a better feeling than a great pair of arms? Nothing else isn't!!!. Nothing is as impressive to the average person or the hardest of hardcore body builders as well-developed arms. "Flex your arm" is almost always the first request people make when they meet a bodybuilder. A great arm symbolises strength, power, health and masculinity- all over the world!! Arms are the true barometer of manliness and women love'em

We're gonna see the best and effective workouts that will give you the best pair of chiselled arms.

Saturday, June 27, 2009